티스토리 뷰


MacOS에 CodeTyphon 설치

파란크리스마스 2016. 1. 7. 14:12

출처 : CT on MacOS X 10.11.x (El Capitan)
PilotLogic - MacOS - Detail Installation
PilotLogic - Setup Script Options

0. CodeTyphon 삭제 ( 기본에 설치되어 있는 경우)

$ cd /usr/local
$ sudo rm -Rf codetyphon

1. xcode 설치

2. xcode command tool 설치

$ xcode-select --install

3. XQuartz 설치

XQuartz 2.7.8 (For OS X 10.6.3 or later (including El Capitan) 다운로드

XQuartz 미설치 오류

4. MacPorts 설치

MacPorts OS X 10.11 El Capitan 다운로드

5. 사용자 sudo 권한 부여

$ sudo vi /etc/sudoers

내용추가 - bluesanta 사용자의 root권한 부여

bluesanta       ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL

6. CodeTyphon 다운로드 및 설치


설치 스크립트(install.sh) 실행

$ cd Downloads/CodeTyphonIns
$ ./install.sh
             CodeTyphon Studio 
            Version 5.60 (GEN V)
   Installation for: Linux-Solaris-FreeBSD-MacOS
WARNING: Improper use of the sudo command could lead to data loss
or the deletion of important system files. Please double-check your
typing when using sudo. Type "man sudo" for more information.
To proceed, enter your password, or type Ctrl-C to abort.

CodeTyphon 설치

   0) Install CodeTyphon Studio
   9) Exit
>>> Select an action (press 0..9 key): 0

설치 스크립트 종료

  CodeTyphon Studio 5.60 Setup for Darwin64
   Settings: Platform=carbon  Multiarch Mode=1
   0) Install System Libraries
   1) Run CodeTyphon Center (CTC)
     11) -- Platform (widget) Setup
     12) -- Multi-Architecture Setup
   3) Remove FreePascal
   4) Remove and Build FreePascal
   5) Remove Typhon IDE
   6) Remove and Build Typhon IDE
   7) Remove ALL
   8) Remove and Build ALL
   9) EXIT
>>>  Select an action (press 0..9 key): 9

7. Install System Libraries

8. 모두(FPC, Typhon, COcean) 빌드 하기

// shryu


  type HWND = type THandle;


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