티스토리 뷰
- Klipper Fluidd 클리퍼 설치방법 : 네이버 블로그
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- klipper/generic-bigtreetech-skr-mini-e3-v2.0.cfg at master · Klipper3d/klipper
- klipper/config at master · Klipper3d/klipper
Fluidd 다운로드
다운로드 사이트 : https://github.com/fluidd-core/fluidd/releases
이미지 복원
wifi 설정
boot드라이버 fluiddpi-wpa-supplicant.txt 파일 수정
3D 프린터용 펌웨어 빌드
펌웨어 설정
해당 3D 프린터 보드용 펌웨어 제작을 위해서 설정화면을 아래와 같이 실행하고 설정합니다.
pi@fluiddpi:~ $ cd ~/klipper
pi@fluiddpi:~/klipper $ make menuconfig
Sample 파일을 참조
SKR Mini E3 2.0 용 Sample 파일을 참조해서 펌웨어 컴파일 정보를 확인 할 수 있습니다.
SKR Mini E3 2.0 용 펌웨어 설정
Configuration saved to '/home/pi/klipper/.config'
pi@fluiddpi:~/klipper$ make
Creating symbolic link out/board
Building out/autoconf.h
Compiling out/src/sched.o
... 생략 ...
Building out/compile_time_request.o
Version: v0.10.0-283-g4a8aece6
Preprocessing out/src/generic/armcm_link.ld
Linking out/klipper.elf
Creating hex file out/klipper.bin
포트 포워딩 했을 경우 외부에서 접속 가능 하도록 설정
API 서버를 외부에서 접근 가능하도록 설정
klipper_config/moonraker.conf 편집
pi@fluiddpi:~ $ cd klipper_config/
pi@fluiddpi:~/klipper_config $ vi moonraker.conf
cors_domains 항목에 trusted_clients 항목에 내IP 추가
[authorization] trusted_clients: FE80::/10 ::1/128
Klipper 재실행
pi@fluiddpi:~/klipper_config $ sudo systemctl restart klipper.service
MJPG-streamer 서비스
MJPG-streamer 서비스 파일
pi@fluiddpi:~$ vi /etc/systemd/system/webcamd.service
MJPG-streamer 서비스 상태 확인
pi@fluiddpi:~$ sudo systemctl status webcamd.service
[0m webcamd.service - the FluiddPI webcam daemon (based on OctoPi) with the user specified config
Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/webcamd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: active (running) since Sat 2022-03-05 03:53:52 GMT; 24min ago
Process: 414 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/webcamd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 487 (mjpg_streamer)
Tasks: 3 (limit: 1935)
CPU: 3.236s
CGroup: /system.slice/webcamd.service
붴487 ./mjpg_streamer -o output_http.so -w ./www-mjpgstreamer -n -i input_uvc.so -r 640x480 -f 10 -d /dev/video0
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: Format............: JPEG
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: TV-Norm...........: DEFAULT
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: www-folder-path......: ./www-mjpgstreamer/
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: HTTP TCP port........: 8080
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: HTTP Listen Address..: (null)
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi systemd[1]: Started the FluiddPI webcam daemon (based on OctoPi) with the user specified config.
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: username:password....: disabled
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: commands.............: disabled
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: starting input plugin input_uvc.so
Mar 05 03:53:52 fluiddpi mjpg_streamer[487]: MJPG-streamer [487]: starting output plugin: output_http.so (ID: 00)
MJPG-streamer input_raspicam.so 빌드
input_raspicam.so 파일을 빌드하기 위해서 /opt/vc/include 디렉토리를 참조하는데 fluidd 배포판 이미지에는 누락되어 있어 수동으로 설치가 필요합니다.
pi@fluiddpi:~$ git clone https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland
pi@fluiddpi:~$ cd userland
pi@fluiddpi:~/userland$ ./buildme
MJPG-streamer 빌드
pi@raspberrypi:~$ sudo apt-get install cmake libjpeg9-dev imagemagick libv4l-dev libgphoto2-dev
pi@raspberrypi:~$ git clone https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer.git mjpg-streamer-raspi
pi@fluiddpi:~ $ cd mjpg-streamer-raspi/mjpg-streamer-experimental/
pi@fluiddpi:~/mjpg-streamer-raspi/mjpg-streamer-experimental$ cmake CMakeLists.txt
pi@raspberrypi:~/mjpg-streamer/mjpg-streamer-experimental$ make
pi@fluiddpi:~/mjpg-streamer-raspi/mjpg-streamer-experimental$ cp plugins/input_raspicam/input_raspicam.so ~/mjpg-streamer/
MJPG-streamer 설정 파일(webcam.txt) 수정
pi@fluiddpi:~$ vi ~/klipper_config/webcam.txt
input_raspicam.so 사용하기
MJPG-streamer 수동실행
pi@fluiddpi:~/mjpg-streamer-raspi/mjpg-streamer-experimental $ /usr/local/bin/webcamd
Starting up webcamDaemon...
--- Configuration: ----------------------------
cfg_file: /home/pi/klipper_config/webcam.txt
camera: raspi
usb options: -r 640x480 -f 10
raspi options: -fps 10
http options: -w ./www-mjpgstreamer -n
Explicitly USB device:
Found video devices:
config file='/home/pi/klipper_config/webcam.txt':Start MJPG-streamer with video device: raspi
<13>Mar 8 14:02:03 pi: Starting Raspberry Pi camera
Checking for VL805 (Raspberry Pi 4)...
- It seems that you don't have VL805 (Raspberry Pi 4).
There should be no problems with USB (a.k.a. select() timeout)
Running ./mjpg_streamer -o output_http.so -w ./www-mjpgstreamer -n -i input_raspicam.so -fps 10
MJPG Streamer Version: git rev: 310b29f4a94c46652b20c4b7b6e5cf24e532af39
i: fps.............: 10
i: resolution........: 640 x 480
i: camera parameters..............:
Sharpness 0, Contrast 0, Brightness 50
Saturation 0, ISO 0, Video Stabilisation No, Exposure compensation 0
Exposure Mode 'auto', AWB Mode 'auto', Image Effect 'none'
Metering Mode 'average', Colour Effect Enabled No with U = 128, V = 128
Rotation 0, hflip No, vflip No
ROI x 0.000000, y 0.000000, w 1.000000 h 1.000000
o: www-folder-path......: ./www-mjpgstreamer/
o: HTTP TCP port........: 8080
o: HTTP Listen Address..: (null)
o: username:password....: disabled
o: commands.............: disabled
i: Starting Camera
Encoder Buffer Size 81920
Done bring up all configured video device
klipper_config/printer.cfg 파일 (Ender 5 with SKR Mini e3 V2.0 용)
알리에서 구입한 Micro Swiss Direct Drive Extruder for Creality Ender 5 클론 제품의 printer.cfg (지금까지 인터넷에서 찾아서 최적화 했음)
# This file contains common pin mappings for the BIGTREETECH SKR mini # E3 v2.0. To use this config, the firmware should be compiled for the # STM32F103 with a "28KiB bootloader" and USB communication. Also, # select "Enable extra low-level configuration options" and configure # "GPIO pins to set at micro-controller startup" to "!PA14". # The "make flash" command does not work on the SKR mini E3. Instead, # after running "make", copy the generated "out/klipper.bin" file to a # file named "firmware.bin" on an SD card and then restart the SKR # mini E3 with that SD card. # See docs/Config_Reference.md for a description of parameters. # [gcode_macro START_PRINT] # gcode: # {% set BED_TEMP = params.BED_TEMP|default(60)|float %} # {% set EXTRUDER_TEMP = params.EXTRUDER_TEMP|default(190)|float %} # # Start bed heating # M140 S{BED_TEMP} # # Use absolute coordinates # G90 # # Reset the G-Code Z offset (adjust Z offset if needed) # SET_GCODE_OFFSET Z=0.0 # # Home the printer # G28 # # G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder # G1 Z2.0 F3000 ;Move Z Axis up # G1 X10.1 Y20 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to start position # G1 X10.1 Y200.0 Z0.28 F1500.0 E15 ;Draw the first line # G1 X10.4 Y200.0 Z0.28 F5000.0 ;Move to side a little # G1 X10.4 Y20 Z0.28 F1500.0 E30 ;Draw the second line # G92 E0 ;Reset Extruder # # # Move the nozzle near the bed # G1 Z5 F3000 # # Move the nozzle very close to the bed # G1 Z0.15 F300 # # Wait for bed to reach temperature # M190 S{BED_TEMP} # # Set and wait for nozzle to reach temperature # M109 S{EXTRUDER_TEMP} # # [gcode_macro END_PRINT] # gcode: # # Turn off bed, extruder, and fan # M140 S0 # M104 S0 # M106 S0 # # Move nozzle away from print while retracting # G91 # G1 X-2 Y-2 E-3 F300 # # Raise nozzle by 10mm # G1 Z10 F3000 # G90 # # Disable steppers # M84 # # [virtual_sdcard] # path: ~/gcode_files # # [display_status] # # [pause_resume] # # [gcode_macro CANCEL_PRINT] # description: Cancel the actual running print # rename_existing: CANCEL_PRINT_BASE # gcode: # TURN_OFF_HEATERS # CANCEL_PRINT_BASE [stepper_x] step_pin: PB13 dir_pin: !PB12 enable_pin: !PB14 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PC0 position_endstop: 220 position_max: 220 homing_speed: 50 [tmc2209 stepper_x] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 0 run_current: 0.580 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [stepper_y] step_pin: PB10 dir_pin: !PB2 enable_pin: !PB11 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 40 endstop_pin: ^PC1 position_endstop: 220 position_max: 220 homing_speed: 50 [tmc2209 stepper_y] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 2 run_current: 0.580 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [stepper_z] step_pin: PB0 dir_pin: !PC5 enable_pin: !PB1 microsteps: 16 rotation_distance: 8 endstop_pin: ^PC2 position_endstop: 0.0 position_max: 300 [tmc2209 stepper_z] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 1 run_current: 0.580 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [extruder] max_extrude_only_distance: 100.0 step_pin: PB3 dir_pin: !PB4 enable_pin: !PD2 microsteps: 16 # rotation_distance: 33.500 # rotation_distance: 33.00934 rotation_distance: 24.395 nozzle_diameter: 0.400 filament_diameter: 1.750 heater_pin: PC8 sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F sensor_pin: PA0 control: pid pid_Kp: 21.527 pid_Ki: 1.063 pid_Kd: 108.982 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 250 [tmc2209 extruder] uart_pin: PC11 tx_pin: PC10 uart_address: 3 run_current: 0.650 stealthchop_threshold: 999999 [heater_bed] heater_pin: PC9 sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104GT-2 sensor_pin: PC3 control: pid pid_Kp: 54.027 pid_Ki: 0.770 pid_Kd: 948.182 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 130 [heater_fan nozzle_cooling_fan] pin: PC7 [fan] pin: PC6 [mcu] serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f103xe_38FFD9055641343421871443-if00 [printer] kinematics: cartesian max_velocity: 300 max_accel: 3000 max_z_velocity: 5 max_z_accel: 100 [static_digital_output usb_pullup_enable] pins: !PA14 [board_pins] aliases: # EXP1 header EXP1_1=PB5, EXP1_3=PA9, EXP1_5=PA10, EXP1_7=PB8, EXP1_9=, EXP1_2=PA15, EXP1_4=, EXP1_6=PB9, EXP1_8=PB15, EXP1_10=<5V> # See the sample-lcd.cfg file for definitions of common LCD displays.
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