OS/Orange PI
Orange Pi Plus 2E : Armbian Linux 설치
2022. 3. 10. 14:49
Armbian Linux 이미지 다운로드
다운로드 : Orange Pi +2E – Armbian
Armbian Linux 이미지 복원
Armbian Linux 최기화 설정
초기 계정 / 암호 : root / 1234
Welcome to ARMBIAN!
Documentation: https://docs.armbian.com | Community: https://forum.armbian.com
Create root password: pass1234
Repeat root password: pass1234
Support status: no support (unsupported userspace)
Choose default system command shell:
1) bash
2) zsh
Shell: BASH
Creating a new user account. Press to abort
Please provide a username (eg. your first name): pi
Create user (pi) password: pass1234
Repeat user (pi) password: pass1234
Please provide your real name: Pi
Dear Pi, your account pi has been created and is sudo enabled.
Please use this account for your daily work from now on.
Detected timezone: Asia/Seoul
Set user language based on your location? [Y/n] Y
At your location, more locales are possible:
1) ko_KR.UTF-8
2) ko_KR.UTF-8
3) Skip generating locales
Please enter your choice:1
Generating locales: ko_KR.UTF-8
WiFi 설정
WiFi 설정하기 위해서 armbian-config 실행
pi@orangepiplus2e:~$ sudo armbian-config
WiFi 설정